Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Star Trek TOS Sounds v4 to v5: 
Added Door Jamming sound

Star Trek TOS Sounds v3 to v4: 
Added 2 new sounds


Star Trek TOS Sounds v2 to v3: 
[CHANGE]: Removed audio track delays in sounds
{Effect}: The sounds should be heard on time now

[CHANGE]: Added 5 additional sounds

[CHANGE]: Adjusted amplifications of several sounds
{Effect}: The Bridge Whistle should be significantly quieter now, I have recieved complaints of it being too harsh/loud.

Have fun, Captain C.

Star Trek TOS Sounds v1 to v2: 
Added new sounds, including:

Medical Scanner Beeps
Transporter Control Sound
That Nostalgic Door Swish
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