This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.
Doomonkey's Colorset v2 to v3:
- Reverted back to a 7x9 grid because apparently invisible colors are pretty useless in the current update. - Removed some redundant colors. - Slightly reorganized the browns. - Cleverly hid all of the default colorset's colors within this set which caused: ~ Some different greys ~ Some different transparents ~ People to be able to easily upgrade from the default or load default builds |
Doomonkey's Colorset v1 to v2:
- Reorganized from a 7*9 grid to a 8*8. This allowed me to add the infinitely important 100% transparent color with my 1 extra color. - Moved the two-tone colors so that one would be able to easily move back and forth between shades without scrolling through the set. - Cut down on the greyscale and then added some tinted greys. - Renamed some columns. - Changed the order of the columns. - I haven't finished making all of the edits but wanted to release this before I lose the file or something. |