Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Salvage v5 to v6: 
Added salvage start and stop commands, now you need to "/startsalvage" before the salvage mod does anything.
There is also a "/stopsalvage" command.
The salvage bypass command only requires admin, not super admin.
Salvage bypass allows use of wand, undo, and clearbricks command.
Events now transfer to the items the same way as lights emitters colors and so forth do.
If you use the tool drop command while not holding a tool, the selected brick in your inventory will be dropped.
The rapid fire exploit has been stopped, all three tools with this mod now run on a single 400ms timer.

Salvage v4 to v5: 
onBasherToolHit onSalvageToolHit and onRepairToolHit events added.
Now bricks retain lights, emitters, emitter directions, and all events while in the player inventory.

Salvage v3 to v4: 
Adds an RTB pref for Salvage Tool damage to players hit, default is 2.
Adds an RTB pref for Basher Tool damage to players hit, default is 6.
Adds an RTB pref for dropped brick lifetime (in seconds) , default is 300, max is 900.

Removes a glitch/bug/exploit where you could find a brick that hadn't been hit before, hit it once with the repair tool, then hit it just once with the salvage tool, and take the brick almost instantly regardless of size.

Salvage v2 to v3: 
The bypass command now works with the paint can, meaning you can paint in bypass mode normally now, also, it automatically removes the paint can when going back to normal mode.

Any brick named "static" will be invulnerable.

Salvage v1 to v2: 
Adds the /salvagebypass command which super admins may use to toggle weather they can build normally or not.
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