Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Tactical Weapons v8 to v9: 
- Suppressed weapons are somewhat more quit even though it's hard to even notice.
- Suppressed weapons bullets are now not visible for stealth purposes.

Tactical Weapons v7 to v8: 
-Added Scar-L
-New Explosion Emitter

This is the end of development for Tactical Weapons, thank you all for your support!

Tactical Weapons v6 to v7: 
-Added M4 Eject shells custom model
-M4 is now semi auto
-Added reloading to M4
-Added reloading to Intervention
-Added bullets in a mag display
-New G36C Model
-New G36C Sound
-New CZ75 Model
-New epic headshot CI

Tactical Weapons v5 to v6: 
-Fixed the cz ci and UI ASSDFFFF
Sorry for this rapid updating....

Tactical Weapons v4 to v5: 
-Made CZ not full auto
-Made SMAW reload time longer

Tactical Weapons v3 to v4: 
Optic Update
-Added SMAW
-Added G36C (Press "cancel ghost brick" to toggle laser)
-Added CZ75 (I hate this weapon)
-Added Ares Shrike
-Added bullet eject shells
-Better use of emitters
-Firing animations for some weapons (Just for you Kap)
-Reloading sound now works

Tactical Weapons v2 to v3: 
-Added new sounds for Intervention, Vector, and M16A3
-Increased M16A3 and Vectors mag size

Tactical Weapons v1 to v2: 
-Fixed M16A3 Overwriting L4D Weapons
-Added M4 Shotgun
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