This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.
Kick with Reasons v4 to v5:
Made it so moderators can't kick admins. Oops. Credit to Danny Boy for catching that. |
Kick with Reasons v3 to v4:
Fixed a syntax error that results in the help message being displayed every time you kick someone. Added functionality to support moderator mod. Added logging to config/server/kicklogs.txt |
Kick with Reasons v2 to v3:
Fixed a typo (had an extra space before the kickers name)
Added_ability_to_use_underscores_as_spaces, they will be replaced with spaces in the kick reason. This will bypass the 17 word limit. Be careful though, the 'you got kicked' gui can probably only hold so many words.
Added a check for if you don't specify a target. [code stuff]This bypasses an error with the findclientbyname function where it will kick the 'first client' if 'name' is null. Don't ask why, I'm not an expert.[/code stuff] |
Kick with Reasons v1 to v2:
- Added more reasons as to why you can't kick certain things in certain situations.
- Apparently you couldn't kick admins and super admins in the last version. This is now limited to admins, as intended.