Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Baseplate Rules v3 to v4: 
Version 3.1 to 4:

1. Now supports dedicated servers.
2. The host can now change the mod's settings using server commands.

Baseplate Rules v2 to v3: 
Version 2 to 3:

1. The entire script was re-written and is now more efficient.
2. A new exception list was implemented. Players can now be excluded from the rule by adding their ID to the list.
3. A new preference managing GUI was created for the mod. Users can no longer change the mod's preferences via the RTB Server Control, but using the new GUI instead.
4. The "Applies To Host" preference was removed because it was absolutely pointless.
5. The mod no longer supports non-internet servers.
6. When a player now plants an invalid brick, it will silently be deleted to avoid any annoyances.

Baseplate Rules v1 to v2: 
Version 1 to 2:

1. A couple of preferences were added.
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