Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

MAS Bug Zappper v1 to v2: 
- Removed several unneeded faces from the model and disabled double-sided rendering (reduces lag caused by model by about 50%)
- Small lighting fix
- Small model edits
- Implemented more advanced damage system:
-Will deal 5 damage to most targets
-Will deal 1 damage to 'mechs (any playertype containing a isMech = 1; line in it's code; Will be used for the MAS PowerSuit)
-Will deal 15 damage to small targets (any playertype containing a isSmallEnemy = 1; line in it's code)
-Will deal 2 damage to large targets (any playertype containing a isLargeEnemy = 1; line in it's code)
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