Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Dragon Playertypes v1 to v2: 
====={ General }=====

- Added the Fire barrage weapon.
- All fire weapons now have item models when spawned from bricks.
- All fire weapons now use energy. (gameplay balence attempt).
- Updated the CI icons for the fire weapons.
- Fixed all UI names of the weapons (UI names don't get cut off).
- Fixed many model and animation issues.
- Updated effects for the Fireball weapon (Explosion effect is more noticeable).
- It is now much harder (if even possible) to burn yourself with the firebreath.
- Added more mount points to all dragons (head point, body point, etc. Aka, dragons with hats and backpack flags!).
- All models no longer have double-side rendering on (reduces lag).
- Updated and changed many animations.
- Added energy usage to both dragons (for fire weapons).

====={ Land Dragon }=====

- Improved model.
- Added energy usage (for fire weapons).
- fine-tuned bounding box.
- increased jump amount slightly.
- Increased movement speed of the land dragon.
- The claw weapon now makes swing sounds.
- The Land Dragon's claw weapon is now permanently in the Land Dragon's invintory, and can no longer be spawned from a brick.
- Increased the damage amount of the first (only slightly) and last strikes of the Land Dragon's claws.
- Changed the animation the dragon plays for the last melee strike.
- Fixed push-back for final strike of the melee weapon.
- Added a "headSide" (free-look) animation.
- Increased the range of the Claws for easier use
- Updated the inventory icon for the Claws

====={ Air Dragon }=====

- decreased movement speed on land.
- Air dragon no longer gets stuck in water.
- Improved flying
- Build tool now mounts in the dragon's mouth like it should.
- Added a "headSide" (free-look) animation.
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