Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

PhyDoors v3 to v4: 
Removed Door frames from:
-Elevator doors
-Sliding Glass door
-Airlock door

-Boom Barrier
-Large Garage Door

Moved: (To Content_PhydeouxMedieval)
-Wooden Gate
-Grate Gate
-Trap Door
-Circular Grate
-Shoji Door

PhyDoors v2 to v3: 
-Fixes collision box console issues for the Giant Fans.
-Fixes Circular Grate being blocked by a brick to the side.
-Adds normal-sized Fan to crawl through.
-Adds Trap Door
-Adds Super Button
-Adds TNT Plunger
-Adds Horizontal/Vertical Dial Switches, Slide Switches, and Key Switches

PhyDoors v1 to v2: 
Fixed collide-able Ghost Bricks.
Also added second Giant Fan that lays down flat.
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