Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Outlet v6 to v7: 
- More detailed models!
- Improved suspension and handling
- Glowing lights

Outlet v5 to v6: 
- New Variant, Police! (just for lolz)

- Fixed shadows

sorry about how this is the v6 update, but since this is my first car, it's good to improve it don't it?

Outlet v4 to v5: 
- Added steering wheel animations (Thanks Barnabas!)

Outlet v3 to v4: 
New Sport and Convertible version

Improved handling

Outlet v2 to v3: 
Fixed insivible glitch

Outlet v1 to v2: 
New Steering Wheel and Seat Model

Another ajustments on the model
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