This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.
Pancor Jackhammer v4 to v5:
- Added hands to the model. (don't worry, it works properly) - New icon. - Uberload of other new stuff. |
Pancor Jackhammer v3 to v4:
- Minor random fixes, like 30-40 of them, seriously. - Extra fun. |
Pancor Jackhammer v2 to v3:
- New dust cover. - New dustLock animation to reset the dust cover to closed automatically - New spread, and new shell ejecting action. |
Pancor Jackhammer v1 to v2:
- Fires shotgun concussion shells instead of slugs. - New animation - New damage & sounds. - Minor color fixes. (fixed where it used the color System, instead of barrel.png) |