Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Agile Player v2 to v3: 
Completely rewrote it.

New changes:
- Hold JET to climb. This checks for bricks around you as long as you're holding it, and if any are found that meet criteria, you start movin' up in the world. Release JET to stop climbing.
- Hold JUMP to... well jump. Walljump too, just hold it and whenever a wall is in reach, you'll jump off it.

Climbing can also work well as an improvised wallrunning ability, it only slows you down in a fairly minor way.

Agile Player v1 to v2: 
  • Breakfall - crouch within (250 + your ping)ms of hitting the ground to negate fall damage and boost yourself forward
  • Changed the climb/jump animations some
  • Added fumbling when above a certain height from the ground below you (definable chance to mess up)
  • Now uses energy for climbing/walljumping/breakfall (if you don't have enough energy, breakfall does nothing)
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