Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

RP Jobs v2 to v3: 
Fixed Jail Guard tool bug
Fixed jobs with required mods not being displayed for user
Fixed promotions with required mods
Changed Jobs functions
Changed ifJob event to fxDTSBrick to make it work with Core events
Added experience affect promotion
Added an extra check if Core have loaded
Added Printer to Tourist
Updated with a version check for jobs
Altered RP Core preferences
Altered equipment changes from RP Resources

RP Jobs v1 to v2: 
Fixed not having default tools for each job
Fixed not loading bricks bug
Fixed not getting new equipment on promotion
Fixed groupchat not working correctly
Fixed picklocking and added so it cannot be used in jail
Fixed Jail Guard getting promoted to Police Inspector instead of Police Assistance
Altered to RP Core
Added Jail Spawn

Note: Remove old jobs.dat to alter the new changes for v2
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