This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.
BlockBoardChase v2 to v3:
- Ring feature completely fixed
The Gamemode is all done, with no issues! Hope you like it! |
BlockBoardChase v1 to v2:
+- Edited description file to have the current version number in it +- Minor edits to gamemode file +- New player and weapon files +- CODE OVERHAUL (Thank you ZSNO!) - Fixed broken functions - Fixed typos - No longer relies on Gamemode_TDM (Team Deathmatch) - New minigame rounds, reset when one player is left alive - Fixed falling ring feature (Parts of build fall off over time every round) - Changed weapons and player UInames - Script improved overall +- SAVE IMPROVED (Credit to Blockhead31735 for helping me) - Parts repainted - Moved spawn bricks - Raised where players spawn - Renamed bricks for the falling ring feature - Fixed the glitch where players fall through map
NOTE: If you are hosting this, DO NOT LEAVE THE MINIGAME. Doing so will crash the game. Also, it is impossible to host a dedicated server of this because of A) zone events and B) you are leaving the minigame, which again crashes your server.
Also in response to people saying this is already on RTB, I made this game easier and more compatible to work with v21. ZSNO even handed me some improved code to push out this update. |