Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Zombies are People Too v1 to v2: 
In V2, I introduced a lot of fixes, balances, features, and conveniences.
As always, if you have a bug, send it to me. I don't bite and really appreciate the feedback!
You can contact me through the Send Bug option in the RTB Mod Manager, at, and through RTB's forums.

  • Changed zombie players' names so they will now be colored teal.
  • Improved leaper hit detection. Pouncing on players from the side does damage.
  • Modified leaper damage so that it is increased 1.5x if the leaper is on fire.
  • Added custom CI for leaper kills that are done while on fire.
  • Fixed the Outbreak CI.
  • Added cool flame effect (made by Ephi) to the victims of the Molotov.
  • Fixed console spam if the molotov hits a vehicle.
  • Modified burnLoop so that corpses will remain on fire.
  • Modified burnLoop so that zombies will never be put out.
  • Modified burnLoop so that zombies take 1.25x damage.
  • Modified leaper damage so that it is further modified by distance traveled. Impressive leaps will earn you bonus points.
  • Added notification of success and damage for leaper pounces that are similar to regular zombie attacks.
  • Fixed spawning underground as a zombie if the minigame has no zombie spawns present.
  • Added basic "horde" AI so that zombies can aggress the targets of other zombies in the area that they can see.
  • Increased the lifetime of the Molotov projectile.
  • Removed the impulse of the Molotov.
  • Fixed the energy bar not showing up at times.
  • Increased the HP of all Zombies, especially the tank.
  • Increased the Energy of the Tank from 200 to 250.
  • Fixed the game considering dead players to have survived.
  • Fixed the GUI saying "enable friendly fire", when it should say "disable."
  • Added default minigame settings.
  • Improved the ZombieSmash hit detection.
  • Fixed the Input Events.
  • Fixed the Medicine Cabinet.
  • Fixed multiple glitches with Bot Zombies if the server is running Amade's Event_Bots (or any mod that adds %obj.client to bots)
  • Added basic compatibility with Amade's Event_Bots.
  • Renamed all "miniGame*" commands to similarly named "zombie*" commands to clear up confusion about their officiality.
  • Added Rotondo's survivor decals to the list of possible Zombie decals. (awesomeFace.png)
  • Decreased the chance of a special chest decal.
  • Added blatantly stolen Chainsaw code for Headshot detection.
  • Added 1.5x damage to Zombie Headshots.
  • Added the removal of zombie heads for headshots that do overwhelming amounts of damage.
  • Improved "You can not spawn this here" detection so that zombies cant be placed on vehicle spawns and messages are screw-up specific.
  • Fixed "zombieGameSetUpRight" so that it can be used 100% of the time to determine if a %mini is set up properly.
  • Fixed the zombie class awareness text on spawn.
  • Restricted the mod from running when Gamemode_zombie is also enabled.
  • Decreased boomer bile effect time from 30s to 10s.
  • Increased boomer bile effect radius from 14 to 17.
  • Fixed boomer bile explosion from not killing the boomer.
  • Fixed boomer bile explosion not causing the "BoomerExplosion" CI from appearing.
  • Added additional AI: Zombies will now attempt to jump out of water.
  • Improved AI for Crouching.
  • Added a feature allowing players to respawn themselves if they jet a second after they spawn and before their invuln time is up.
  • Added visual notification of when the class-swap chance is over. The text turns green.
  • Fixed tanks being able to class-swap.
  • Added tank ability to damage troublesome AI zombies with its smash.
  • Fixed tank velocity from projectiles not being nulled.
  • Fixed the bottom of the tank and zombie spawns having incorrectly aligned textures.
  • Improved Leaper AI.
  • Fixed a glitch that effectively doubled (or more) computation requirements per thought.
  • Increased the speed at which (most) zombies move.
  • Fixed zombies getting new datablocks not having the proper skin color.
  • Added Armor::zombieDress with handling of the local method so it's much easier to add custom clothing for your zombies.
  • Added Armor.zombieDamType to accomodate Tank and Headcrab Zombies.
  • Added molotov residual fire effect.
  • Removed minigame resets on update.
  • Added support for Space Guy's Invisibility Watch set.
  • Fixed minigames not resetting after everyone dies if the Generic Army is not en route.
  • Fixed a glitch that would cause players to continue burning after being dunked in water.
  • Split Molotov into a seperate Add-On.
  • Split Pill Bottle into a seperate Add-On.
  • Split Medicine Cabinet into a seperate Add-On.
  • Fixed events. Again.
  • Removed the zombieConvert event. changeDataBlock now sets the %client.isZombie property accordingly.
  • Added very, very basic elbow path-finding logic.
  • Fixed the minigame panels not showing up if you did not have Team Deathmatch installed.
  • Added a MUCH more versatile friendly fire check that will allow self-damage.
  • Finally fixed the god damn GUI.
  • Improved pathfinding AI.
  • Added the Jockey.
  • Added the ability for multiple tanks to be spawned in one round.
  • Added team-chat.
  • Fixed tank selection not cancelling if the minigame is reset. (Thanks for the bug report, Bracketsndashes ID:975)
  • Leapers can now propell themselves off of walls mid-air.
  • The Director has been implimented, allowing control over damage output/input based on how pissed he is.
  • Fixed issues with the tank being set on fire.
  • Added an option for the timer to be a count-down to failure instead of victory.
  • Added GameConnection -> Rescue. This will tag the client with "isRescued" and will present them as an escapee, even if everyone else dies.
  • Fixed a glitch causing the Reset Timer to have no influence.
  • Fixed a glitch that ignored minigame settings regarding spawn usage.
  • Added the Smoker.
  • Removed the Boomer.
  • Added the Consumer.
  • Added a continuosu whiteout for the Consumer Bile's for the duration of its affects.
  • Added Zombies' ability to climb walls by jumping + clicking bricks. AI cannot use this ability.
  • Fixed the armor packaging and removed related hacks.
  • Added about 50+ Info-tips.
  • Fixed a glitch that would cause Zombies not to function in single-player. (A demo-player is fine too)
  • Improved Zombie AI when choosing targets. Distance is no longer the only deciding factor.
  • Improved Zombie AI when attacking vehicles or vehicle-mounted objects. Smokers are especially keen.
  • Added Infected gameplay
  • Fixed the pillbottle not working with the healthbar.
  • Added a height check to Armor::zombieWander. Zombies will no longer meander off of tall structures.
  • Added support for SpaceCasting Melee weapons. All melees do critical damage to zombies.
  • Removed the molotov calling burnLoop on friendly fire.
  • Removed the molotov doing less damage the further you are from its epicenter.
  • Added a check on the molotov preventing damage and/or ignition if it cannot raycast from its epicenter to your world box (e.g. a wall is there)
  • Changed how Zombie Armors are built in the script so they inherit default properties from ZombieStandardArmor..
  • Added Safehouses, 16x16x baseplates. Bricks in the trigger cannot be destroyed. Players can be.
  • Added Minigame -> SafehouseVictories [bool]. Checked will enable the minigame to reset on everyone safe, unchecked will prevent this.
  • Improved stability of the paneling system (client-side). It now ignores invisible panels when setting things in place.
  • Zombie Players will now use zombie face decals.
  • Added the Fallen Survivor, dead survivors from L4D that can drop various equipment at random.
  • Regular zombies will no longer use Rotondo's Decals or the "medival_tunic" decal.
  • Added Input events "onMinigameRand1" and "onMinigameRand2" - 50% of either being called at minigame reset.
  • Added Content restrictions "Human", "Zombie", and "OncePerLife"

This is a list of changes that were done by Space Guy.
That means everything here can be fully credited to him.
  • Added the tank's punch effect.
  • Added the ability for the tank to destroy vehicles.
  • Added Minigame -> SetRescueTime
  • Added Minigame -> Escape
  • Added the Smasher.
  • Wrote the particle effect for Consumer bile.
  • Fixed my impulse-nullifier script.
  • Wrote the code for Item Pick-ups.
  • Wrote the code for altering Kill Spam.
  • Wrote the code for spectating.

Striker150 is responsible for all pretty things.
In V2, he drew and sculpted:
  • The new Pill Bottle with the uncapped state and independant cap debris.
  • All new CI

Special Thanks to these people.
  • Chrono - Player light events code for the Witch's aurora.
  • Destiny - Minigame Events code.
  • Sir Cox the Great, and all others I have learned from inadvertently by ripping up their mods.
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