Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Yuki's Odd Bricks v2 to v3: 
-Added Baseplate Bricks! That's right, 32x32x3, baseplate BRICKS, not blocks, not plates!
-Fixed a brick image showing the 1x7 as the 2x7
-Fixed the 1x5 image being outdated and ugly
-Made the x14 bricks appear before the x16 bricks
-Moved 5x5 into its own x5 section
-Cleaned up server.cs

Yuki's Odd Bricks v1 to v2: 
-Added 3x(y) bricks (3x3,4,6,8,10,12,14,16) and plates
-Added a 30x30 baseplate
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