Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Avatar Saver v6 to v7: 
Fixed a bug in which changing the chest in the Editor showed the opposite part.

Avatar Saver v5 to v6: 
Added a crappy but fast avatar editor

Avatar Saver v4 to v5: 
Added deleting
Added sorting
Added an option for realtime searching
Removed Herobrine

Avatar Saver v3 to v4: 
The GUI list is now updated automatically when you save an avatar.

Avatar Saver v2 to v3: 
Compressed the textbox and list into one window
Added space support and some options
There's now a button to open the Avatar GUI itself
The GUIs are taking over

Avatar Saver v1 to v2: 
Added a small GUI for saving/loading avatars.
Added forced saving to remove the bug from v1.
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