Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

RTB Isles with Trees v2 to v3: 
-New Map: RTB Isles Trees Frozen Over - The same thing but with ice, snow, and magical frozen molecules in the form of flakes from a sky that is TOTALLY not slopes, yep.

Just in time for Christmas!
Please don't bug me about how unreal it looks, because I don't care.

RTB Isles with Trees v1 to v2: 
1. Changed coding in rtbisleTrees.mis so that the texture won't screw up and revert to the Bedroom textures and make the map look like poo. Yuck!
2. Edited code in night version, so that it uses rtbisleTrees.ter instead of its own separate terrain file to reduce downloading for the same terrain.
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