Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Sahara Desert - Sand Storm v3 to v4: 
Version 3 to 4:

1. Added a feature where if a client doesn't have the Main Pack of Sahara Desert, they would not be allowed to play this map.
2. Fixed minor sound glitch where the wind sound doesn't play if you join, not start, the server.

Sahara Desert - Sand Storm v2 to v3: 
Version 2 to 3:

1. Now compatible to run with the new version of Sahara Desert.

Sahara Desert - Sand Storm v1 to v2: 
Version 1 to 2:

1. The fog has been changed to make builds look less crap on the map.
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