Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Bushmaster ACR v5 to v6: 
- Uses an ACOG sight, with glow-in-the-dark lines on it.
- New effects.
- New damage.
- New bullets. (tracers)

Almost everything was changed.

Bushmaster ACR v4 to v5: 
- Added new sight ring.
- New CI & Icons
- I think I made it slightly less-damaging in ironsight mode
- Laser dot / rectile will probably be added in v5, or v4.5 mini-update

Bushmaster ACR v3 to v4: 
- Added ironsights, right click to switch.
- Improved accuracy whilst in ironsight mode, but less damage for balance.
- Randompalooza.

Bushmaster ACR v2 to v3: 
- Updated model.
- Better firerate.

Bushmaster ACR v1 to v2: 
- New clip.
- New firerate.
- New random stuff.
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