Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Awesome Colorset v3 to v4: 
- Made very very minor changes to Greyscale row so that it is a more even spectrum.
- Made relatively minor changes to Browns so they are a more even spectrum.
- Removed the 4 brownish colors from Spills (Now that there is a faded variant of colorset that better uses these colors) and replaced them with more all-purpose type colors. (Light Red, Yellow, and Blue & and Olive green)
- Made the transparent Dark Blue, Olive Green and Light Brown colors in spills slightly more transparent so they don't look quite as solid.
- Made the transparent Light Blue and Green the same level of transparency as default transparent colors.

Awesome Colorset v2 to v3: 
Updated Browns row and added a Spills row for more awesomeness to rock your soul

Awesome Colorset v1 to v2: 
- Changed the order of the colors so they are closer to the order of the spectrum and are easier to look at
- Fixed the name showing up as "Jirue's Paint Pack" rather than "Awesome Colorset"
- Darkened "Brown - 6" so it was different from "Brown - 5" and added a better variety.
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