This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.
- Optional Saving and Loading commands!
- Made the enable/disable WhiteList mod pref host only
Things to come in v4:
- More RTB Prefs
- Host-Only GUI! :O (hopefully!)
1. Added Server Control Prefs for enabling/disabling the mod, and the admin level required to add, remove, and view the blids on the Whitelist. 2. Revised the slash commands to be less confusing, and slightly more user-friendly. 3. Added more console commands, allowing for complete remote control of the whitelist. 4. Revised the messages when you spawn, allowing for more info to be told. 5. Added /WLHelp, a admin-only command that shows you everything you could possibly need to know on how to run a server with whitelist, including how to change prefs through the console.
To-Do: 1. Saving system 2. More RTB Prefs |