Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Semi Tractor v4 to v5: 
Improved Collision Mesh
Combined .cs files

Semi Tractor v3 to v4: 
Finally fixed trucks not having enough power to make a u-turn. Still turn slow to feel heavy, but shouldn't bring you to a stop anymore. (Yeah i know i know, what the hell took me so long for something so simple? i have no excuse)

Also fixed the cement sticking out of cement barrel.

Semi Tractor v2 to v3: 
Got rid of some bad faces.

Semi Tractor v1 to v2: 
+Added 7 New Trucks!
-Dump Full
-Snow Plow

+Trucks are now also a slightly more conservative.
-(85% of the original monstrous size)

+Trucks have slower acceleration and braking.
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