Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Server-Sided Saving v1 to v2: 
Fixed: Ghost bricks being saved.
Fixed: Events not saving correctly.
Added: Easier loading. (This function already existed in the game FYI)
Usage: ServerLoad(saveName);
Optional: ServerLoad(saveName,Ownership,Map name,color method,silent);
saveName = the name of your save
Ownership = Whether ownership loads or not
Map name = That dropdown box that shows up when you load bricks, all slate edits usually use slate
color method = 1 tries to add the missing colors to the end of the current colorset which will most likely fail in all cases you try to use it, 2 just uses the color ID, 3 is the default way of loading which tries to find the closest matches for colors
silent = if true, then loading messages don't show up
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