This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.
Procedural Terrain Generator v1 to v2:
- Fixed boundaries interfering with detail bricks by generating boundaries first.
- Fixed issues with bot hole bricks when used as details; they are now supported.
- Changed some default settings in the Main Menu to avoid inital confusion/issues.
- Fixed the server command /ClearPTG (thanks to Xalos) and added /PausePTG.
- Added psuedo-random rotation to detail bricks.
- Added infinite terrain variation, relative to where terrain is generated. This will be especially useful when infinite terrain generation is implemented.
- Changed depth of terrain to 2 layers (when Solid Ground is disabled) to help reduce the brickcount. If you encounter holes in the landscape, just stretch it out using Terrain XY-Scale.
- Fixed some issues with client/server-sided code.
- Added an in-game, quick reference guide for the Main Menu (instead of the entire manual), which also includes an FAQ. The actual manual is still included in the add-on folder.
- Added support for the "Food" brick category when selecting detail bricks.
- Reintroduced the Custom Height Value option, which allows the user to manipulate chunk-specific height values across the landscape. The CHV menu is now slightly more user-friendly.
- Fixed misc. issues, especially regarding Modular Terrain bricks when Solid Ground and Caves are enabled.
- Added "Stop and Clear" option to the temporary main menu.