Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

UGN Sounds v6 to v7: 
Just a routine update.
Also, I have neglected to notice for the past year that the Starship Hum has no place in here, is extremely loud and long, and lags terribly. It has been removed, so the pack should run much smoother.

UGN Sounds v5 to v6: 
Added two new sounds:


UGN Sounds v4 to v5: 
Added a new sound, Starblazer Bomb explosion.

I have also removed the Self-Destruct Alarm sound as it is just plain hideous

UGN Sounds v3 to v4: 
I have added 3 more new sounds for your enjoyment.

Power Down
Console Beep 4
Starship Hum

In addition to that, i have also made some minor edits to the other sounds to improve quality.

Enjoy version 4!

UGN Sounds v2 to v3: 
Added 3 new sounds as followed:

UGN Console Beep 3
UGN Bolt Cannon Fire
UGN Self-Destruct Alarm


Also, i have changed the code 3 alert sound to a better one with higher quality.

UGN Sounds v1 to v2: 
I have renamed the sound UGNSensorSweep UGNSensorPing in order for the new sound to have a proper name, UGN_Sensor_Sweep.
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