Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Firework Launcher v1 to v2: 
* Increased reload time and you can no longer hold down the 'fire' button to continuously shoot Fireworks, you can only click the 'fire' button, this makes it less spammy
* Fixed the fire, explode,and loop sound datablocks (Apparently, they weren't in the weapon's script at all)
* Firework Launcher will continue to use the default Rocket Launcher model until i can think of a new model for it (And i apologize to Kaje for originally using his Auto Rocket Launcher model without permission)
* Firework Launcher now only fires one firework every 500 milliseconds (Or does the minShotTime line use seconds instead of milliseconds?)
* Firework Launcher now does direct and radius damage, both are half the damage the Rocket Launcher does
* Firework Launcher now plays the 'ShiftAway' animation when fired instead of staying still
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