Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Demian's Slate Edits v7 to v8: 
  • New map: Construct - Rainbow
    New map: Construct - Rainbow Inverted

Demian's Slate Edits v6 to v7: 
Sorry people, this update is already over three months late. I'm just that lazy. But here it is now, so enjoy!
I made some minor/major fixes, no new maps. I really have no idea what was I smoking when I released the latest update and not fixing these.

  • Removed wind from all other maps except Celestial Dreams and Slate Snow where it's required.
  • Fixed lighting is most of the maps. It is now slightly brighter and "cooler" than in Bedroom. In my opinion it's much better.
  • Tiny update on the Star skybox.
  • Added ground to Slate Ocean.
  • Fixed the CI in Slate Lava. No more annoying white pixels.

Demian's Slate Edits v5 to v6: 
  • Christmas update! Added Slate Snow and renamed the old one to Slate Snow NP.
    • Slate Snow now has a neat falling snow effect.
    • Slate Snow NP is identical to Slate Snow, but it doesn't have the falling snow.
  • I'll release a larger update, with updates to nearly all of the maps and adding new ones, within a few weeks

Demian's Slate Edits v4 to v5: 
  • Removed map Sector X.

Demian's Slate Edits v3 to v4: 
  • 11 new maps.
    • Construct - Black
    • Construct - Blue
    • Construct - White
    • Slate Desert 3
    • Slate Desert 3 - Dark
    • Slate Desert 4
    • Slate Doomsday
    • Slate Fields 4
    • Slate Ground
    • Slate Lava
    • Slate Ocean
  • Most of the maps have new fog color and improved visibility.

Demian's Slate Edits v2 to v3: 
  • Fixed map Slate Fields 3, incorrect lighting, name and fog color.

Demian's Slate Edits v1 to v2: 
  • New map: Sector X
  • New map: Slate Fields 2 - Dark
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