Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Team Deathmatch v4 to v5: 
Crash fix for v13.
Initial game mode rules are set when you first open the GUI, so "dead talking" will be enabled by default now as it should have been.

Team Deathmatch v3 to v4: 
Added a system for 'general rules' that apply to any game mode.
Moved the "Team-Colored Death CI" option to this new system, per-minigame instead of per-server.
Added a new rule - "Allow Dead Talking", default on. If turned off, dead players and players in spectator mode (e.g. Cops and Robbers jailed) will only be able to talk to other dead players.
Added option to RTB server preferences, "Echo Team/Dead Chat". If enabled, dead player's chat and team chat will be echoed to the console. It's off by default to prevent (deliberate or accidental) cheating by the host seeing enemy team chat if they're playing.
Repeat flood protection applies differently for team/normal/dead chat.
Chat flood protection added to team/dead chat. This includes a fix for Blockland's flood protection where Minigame Chat was not protected.
Players are moved to spectator mode when the round ends.
JVS Content events updated for compatibility with the latest version.
Fixed minigame color resetting to "Red" when changing GUI tabs.

Team Deathmatch v2 to v3: 
Cloaked players now cannot capture points.
Added an optional setting via RTB preferences (defaults to off) to show minigame death messages in team colours.

Team Deathmatch v1 to v2: 
Fixed an issue with Armor::onCollision in LAN games causing console errors.
Now uses Support_SpecialKills for team-kill messages. (future compatibility)
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