Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Snowmobile v3 to v4: 
  • Added a start-up, idle and shut off engine sound
  • You must now wait 3.7 seconds for the vehicle to start up before being able to move
  • The vehicle will no longer freak out when entering water
  • Upgraded the looks of the Snowmobile model
  • Removed other variants to lower datablock usage
  • Slight changes to speed and handling to make it control better
  • Removed the chase cam due to it not working on multiplayer and lagging behind too much on slower computers

Snowmobile v2 to v3: 
Updated model, plus 5 brand new ones! That's 6 different styles!
Hands now automatically raise when mounting
Added in a chase cam that follows behind the player the faster they go, similar to how it works in Sled Storm (may be a bit glitchy on multiplayer and/or when loading the rest of the build!)

How the vehicle functions has also been adjusted, it has been tested on the Lighthouse Speed Kart map and works fairly well

Snowmobile v1 to v2: 
* Fixed the 'snowmobileExplosion' and 'snowmobileFinalExplosion' appearing in the 'spawnExplosion'/'spawnProjectile' event output list
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