Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

CityRPG GUI v2 to v3: 
apparently ephi would rather take time trying to fix the issue on his end, tell people to uninstall the mod, and never bother to contact me about the right-click issue

i only found out about this shit because people were bothering me all the fucking time about it

it is literally a 2-line fix in the code.

there's also a lot of beta shit in there that was never in the mod while it was life.

(p.s. you still can't join my server with it lol)

CityRPG GUI v1 to v2: 
Changes from v1 to v2 include revamped compatibility with version 3 of CityRPG.
Also includes all the graphics and models used by CityRPG v3, new GUIs, a redesign of existing GUIs, bitmap arrays for all CityRPG v3 related GUIs, and some other cool shit.
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