Service Closed
This service will be unavailable from March 1st 2014, please download anything you wish to keep before this date.

Invisibility Watches Set v9 to v10: 
Probably fixed Cloak and Dagger getting you stuck if you attacked while out of charge.
Fixed Support_StoredVariable replacing items which it shouldn't have when starting a minigame. It doesn't affect this right now but will do for some future mods.

Invisibility Watches Set v8 to v9: 
Fixed the Cloak and Dagger's knife showing up as a Sword if you were not using the TF2 Butterfly Knife's alternate model.

Invisibility Watches Set v7 to v8: 
Fixed for v13.
Watches now use a Pirate Cannon-style charge meter instead of the Energy Bar.
Increased Cloak and Dagger recharge rate.
Cloak and Dagger now lets you attack while partially invisible. The "stab" attack will instantly kill from all angles but freezes you for a short time.
Made Dead Ringer cloak drain and Invisibility Watch recharge more understandable by coloured bars.

Invisibility Watches Set v6 to v7: 
Changing datablocks now correctly updates the energy bar instead of removing it. If you're using those obscure "add item" events then you can change a player to e.g. no jet player after this to show the cloak meter.

Invisibility Watches Set v5 to v6: 
"Jet to Cloak" added as an RTB preference, default on. This can be disabled by servers using weapons with 'secondary fire' functions which may interfere.
The energy bar now correctly shows in minigames/Team Deathmatch with cloaking watches in the inventory when you join.

Invisibility Watches Set v4 to v5: 
Fixed a case where using the Wand outside of minigames did not uncloak you
Pressing the Jet key now uses any Watch you have in your inventory
Reduced the volume of all cloaking sounds by 25%, this makes it much easier to sneak up on people unless you're immediately behind them

Invisibility Watches Set v3 to v4: 
Reduced Dead Ringer cloak time by one second (now 7)
Rapidly switching items after uncloaking with the Dead Ringer no longer drains all cloak

Invisibility Watches Set v2 to v3: 
Fixed the Cloak and Dagger not regenerating charge or draining any faster
Fixed the Dead Ringer causing deaths and respawning in Team Deathmatch 'lives arena' minigames.

Invisibility Watches Set v1 to v2: 
Stopped players from spawning in minigames with more than one Watch
Energy bar correctly shows when the item is set for minigames
Fixes for players with alternate recharge rates
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