The colors for sunrise, daytime, sunset, and nighttime are based off the colors in GTA IV's day cycle. This currently contains two day cycles, for two different types of weather: Sunny and Rain.
The Sunny day cycle contains a reddish, slightly more orange sunrise, followed by daytime with a very slight, yellow tint. As the sun reaches the horizon, you'll be greeted with a dark-orange sunset.
The Rain day cycle begins with a very soft, yellow sunrise. Once the sun rises above the clouds though, it's back to a dark, gloomu, light-blue day. Later on, the sun will peek out from the clouds, finishing with a soft, yellow sunset before dipping below the horizon.
For the best effect, set the day-length to 2880 seconds (48 minutes).
Do cloudy! Please do the cloudy day/night cycle. With these two, for me at least, it's either too damn bright on sunny or I can tell if it's night or day on rain.
@ 3 admin server 3 The old one would make nightime purple and pink which is reall ugly and most people didn't like that so there is this which is much better.