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Title: Scientific Print Letters
Summary: A plethora of symbols used in mathematics and physics.
Submitted By: Demian
Date Submitted: Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:47 pm
Description: 35 symbols used in mathematics and physics.

    α | Greek alphabet lower case alpha
    | Approximately equal
    β | Greek alphabet lower case beta
    º | Degree
    Δ | Greek alphabet upper case delta
    ÷ | Division
    | One eighth
    η | Greek alphabet lower case eta
    ¼ | One fourth
    ƒ | Sometimes used to signify a function
    | Infinity
    λ | Greek alphabet lower case lambda
    | Less/More than or equal to
    | Less/More than or equal to
    lg | Base 10 logarithm
    ln | Base e logarithm
    | Much less/more than
    | Much less/more than
    μ | Greek alphabet lower case mu
    · | Multiplication
    | Used to signify a number
    | Not equal to
    Ω | Greek alphabet upper case omega
    ω | Greek alphabet lower case omega
    | Parallelity
    | Permille (one thousandth)
    φ | Greek alphabet lower case phi
    Π | Greek alphabet upper case pi (Lower case looked identical)
    ± | Plus-minus / Plus or minus
    ² | Power of two
    ³ | Power of three (cubed)
    | Root
    Σ | Greek alphabet upper case sigma
    τ | Greek alphabet lower case tau
    | One third


File Information 
Version: v1
Filesize: 177.64 kB
Last Modified: Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:50 pm
Total Downloads: 182
File Rating:
Rating: 4.30 (2 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.30 (2 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.30 (2 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.30 (2 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.30 (2 ratings submitted) 2 Ratings

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Download Scientific Print Letters

Author Message

Comments: 15
Blockland ID: 29444
 Posted: Sat Nov 16, 2013 5:45 pm


Lol. Good ole Lambda


Comments: 211
Blockland ID: 8848
 Posted: Mon Oct 28, 2013 3:40 am

ucool u haz teh hl2 smbul. yey.
(Just kidding. Awesome add-on. The prints are quite useful for scientific things. And stuff.)


Comments: 331
Blockland ID: 28113
 Posted: Tue Oct 22, 2013 8:27 pm

inb4 "U stole the Half Life 2 Symbol!1"

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