α | Greek alphabet lower case alpha ≈ | Approximately equal β | Greek alphabet lower case beta º | Degree Δ | Greek alphabet upper case delta ÷ | Division ⅛ | One eighth η | Greek alphabet lower case eta ¼ | One fourth ƒ | Sometimes used to signify a function ∞ | Infinity λ | Greek alphabet lower case lambda ≤ | Less/More than or equal to ≥ | Less/More than or equal to lg | Base 10 logarithm ln | Base e logarithm ≪ | Much less/more than ≫ | Much less/more than μ | Greek alphabet lower case mu · | Multiplication № | Used to signify a number ≠ | Not equal to Ω | Greek alphabet upper case omega ω | Greek alphabet lower case omega ∥ | Parallelity ‰ | Permille (one thousandth) φ | Greek alphabet lower case phi Π | Greek alphabet upper case pi (Lower case looked identical) ± | Plus-minus / Plus or minus ² | Power of two ³ | Power of three (cubed) √ | Root Σ | Greek alphabet upper case sigma τ | Greek alphabet lower case tau ⅓ | One third
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Wed Sep 25, 2013 6:50 pm
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