Two different gamemode preferences to 'completely' change the gameplay: -End round on Leader death, with this disabled once the leader dies the rest of the team loses their ability to respawn (Guardian in GoW2). With it enabled you can create a two-way VIP mode. -Only team 1 has a leader, with this enabled as well as a timed victory for team 1 with 'End round on leader death' enabled you can make a one-way VIP mode.
Leaders can have a flag on their back: -You can disable this so the leader does not have a flag -You can change what the flag is to any flag that the CTF gamemode has (In the Advanced Tab)
The leaders of every team are announced at the start of each round; you can change who is notified: -Nobody is told -Everybody is told -Only that leader's team is told
You can set the amount of points someone gets for killing a leader.
Also includes: JVS Restrictions: -teamLdrAllow, in the box you can write: -1 allows anyone who is not a leader, 0 allows anyone who is a leader, >0 allows specific team #'s leader -teamLdrDeny, in the box you can write: -1 denys anyone who is not a leader, 0 denys anyone who is a leader, >0 denys specific team #'s leader
V&C Event Variables: -<var:cl:leader>, gives 1 if the client is a leader, 0 if not -<var:mg:teamLeader[1-6]>, gives the name of the specific team's leader
Use them in conjunction with Slayer's default variables to create unique scenarios.
Recommended for 4 players minimum, any less and the gamemode is either imbalanced or no different than TDM. You do not require the CTF gamemode. If you encounter any bugs/problems report them asap.
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Last Modified:
Mon Feb 04, 2013 11:47 pm
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Fight on your own or in teams, with many different gamemodes to choose from! » By Greek2me