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Title: Surfer Face
Summary: A fun in the sun face
Submitted By: Scooler
Date Submitted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 4:55 am
Description: If your ever in the water surfing. Isnt it good to have a face for it?


File Information 
Version: v1
Filesize: 9.41 kB
Total Downloads: 460
File Rating:
Rating: 3.40 (14 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.40 (14 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.40 (14 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.40 (14 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.40 (14 ratings submitted) 14 Ratings

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Download Surfer Face

Author Message

Comments: 231
Blockland ID: 18244
 Posted: Mon Apr 25, 2011 9:26 pm

@ titanium
Grammar doesn't matter, idiot.


Comments: 47
Blockland ID: 15269
 Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 10:32 pm

@ triplejaxed: ya and you left BLIP too!!! :P

@ Scooler nice face :D make more *hunger


Comments: 18
Blockland ID: 20675
 Posted: Mon Jun 21, 2010 4:56 am

Hey Scooler im in ya clan!!!!!!! BLIP!!!


Comments: 220
Blockland ID: 20269
 Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 4:30 pm



Comments: 20
Blockland ID: 21600
 Posted: Sat Jun 19, 2010 3:23 am

Bargain bin? I like this...


Comments: 66
Blockland ID: 3822
 Posted: Fri Jun 18, 2010 3:46 pm

Eh, kinda ugly. What you should do is make a surf board you carry on your back, and can use. (Skis float) That would be kinda cool.

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Comments: 43
Blockland ID: 21692
 Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 3:07 am

Phail ______________
you -> O
/ \


Comments: 31
Blockland ID: 21841
 Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 2:32 am



Comments: 26
Blockland ID: 7015
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:11 pm


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Comments: 362
Blockland ID: 20210
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 6:09 pm

Ummm..... good, i guess..... make a surfboard.


Comments: 35
Blockland ID: 19146
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:14 pm

i dunno, i could be worse i guess 2/5


Comments: 111
Blockland ID: 4543
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 5:01 pm

You could more like made a Decal out of it. 3/5


Comments: 198
Blockland ID: 18260
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:54 pm

That's more just like a face with brown hair.


Comments: 10
Blockland ID: 21194
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 2:51 pm

its ok but not good


Comments: 45
Blockland ID: 8464
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 1:01 pm

It looks like someone put pudding in his hat as a prank, and he left it there.
The hair could be way better.


Comments: 1238
Blockland ID: 16842
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 12:45 pm




Great decal.


Comments: 8
Blockland ID: 11812
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 10:34 am

nice face but how to SURF on blockland XD


Comments: 90
Blockland ID: 7113
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:44 am

what the fuck is this shit you really think that there is gonna be a surfing server?


Comments: 282
Blockland ID: 3898
 Posted: Wed Jun 16, 2010 8:38 am

Terrible grammar in the description.


Comments: 70
Blockland ID: 7261
 Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 10:17 pm

Ohh i guess iv had it way to long

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Comments: 215
Blockland ID: 8890
 Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 9:25 pm

No it's not.


Comments: 70
Blockland ID: 7261
 Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:47 pm

No thats a defult

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Comments: 43
Blockland ID: 14782
 Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2010 6:32 pm

Are you making the shirt decal available also?

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