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Title: Super Macro
Summary: Record all your actions for playback
Submitted By: Nexus
Date Submitted: Fri Nov 02, 2012 12:21 am
Description: Bored with the same old building macros? Try out the new Super Macro!

This mod will record everything you do, not just building.
Record movements, building, chatting, you name it!

Note: there is a degree of inaccuracy for long recordings that I am looking to fix

Simply bind a key to record and another key to play it back, and you are ready to go!

File Information 
Version: v1
Filesize: 3.68 kB
Last Modified: Mon Nov 05, 2012 6:39 am
Total Downloads: 336
File Rating:
Rating: 4.30 (2 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.30 (2 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.30 (2 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.30 (2 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.30 (2 ratings submitted) 2 Ratings

This file has been approved by our moderators.
This means it appears to be safe to use.
Download Super Macro

Author Message

Comments: 5
Blockland ID: 30560
 Posted: Mon Feb 03, 2014 6:11 pm

@Sinner Duplicator.


Comments: 32
Blockland ID: 21904
 Posted: Tue Dec 18, 2012 9:57 am

Would be sweet if you could save the macros.


Comments: 5
Blockland ID: 29168
 Posted: Sat Dec 08, 2012 6:54 am

1. Go on challange.
2. Press record.
3. Finish challange.
4. Stop recording.
5. Finish challenge each time without extra effort. :D


Comments: 6
Blockland ID: 16851
 Posted: Fri Dec 07, 2012 11:21 pm

Oh i saw a video on this


Comments: 53
Blockland ID: 4833
 Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 11:12 pm

So just a question here, recording/playback in chat would probably be a spam thing? So does it apply to the filter?

It is client sided, it cannot get around any server sided filters in place.


Comments: 5
Blockland ID: 9657
 Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 2:35 am



Comments: 322
Blockland ID: 11894
 Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 1:42 am

So just a question here, recording/playback in chat would probably be a spam thing? So does it apply to the filter?

Other than that 5/5


Comments: 146
Blockland ID: 35404
 Posted: Thu Dec 06, 2012 12:16 am

:0 interesting


Comments: 204
Blockland ID: 30207
 Posted: Wed Dec 05, 2012 12:05 pm


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