This is a little clientside support mod. It will let you send multiple words as one argument to a server command, by enclosing them in quotes, like so:
/pm somebody "hey so i really like that one mod that lets you put whole sentences in server commands"
That'll be sent all as one 'word', so if your message would normally be cut off, not anymore! Need to put an actual quote in there? Put a backslash (\) in front of it. If you have a backslash in front of a quote, it will appear as a quote without acting like one, and the backslash won't appear. A backslash anywhere else is just a backslash.
Also included is a bonus autocomplete support module for modders to use (nmhcomplete.cs - take a peek). Other nice stuff may be added later if I feel like it.
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Person below me deserves to be hit on the head with the trophy he got because he was first. ... Onnntopic: This is actually quite useful for things that allow just one word, they really annoy me.