"From hell's heart... I stab at thee... For hate's sake, I spit my last... breath at thee..." - Final words of Khan to Kirk
At last, you now have the ability to fire that photon torpedo or disruptor cannon without the embarrasment of having those terrible default sound effects! Included in this pack are some of the most difficult sounds from the Star Trek Universe to find, including the Klingon Disruptor Cannon and the Romulan Plasma Torpedo. All of these sounds were ripped directly from the Star Trek Bridge Commander disk directory (unfortunately i have no idea if i damaged my disk, but who cares).
Included in this pack are 7 sounds: ST_AlienCannon ST_AlienPulse ST_AlienTorpedo1 ST_AlienTorpedo2 ST_Cannon1 ST_Cannon2 ST_DisruptorPulse
Fantastic sound effects for any futuristic occasion. So download it, it's a great deal (business transaction, har-har).
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