As I finished typing the file summary for this add-on, I realized I literally explained everything there is to know about this add-on, so I'll just rewrite it here with longer words and more pointless padding so I can still call this one the longer description:
Greetings and good day to you fine fellows. I do hope you are enjoying your time spent perusing the modifications available for downloading and installation into this most excellent example of quality entertainment software. I wish to call your attention to this script I penned just prior to typing the words you are viewing now. The idea is a very simple one, inspired by an annoyance many of us no doubt have encountered among our years, months, or to our newer players, days spent playing Blockland. I shall put it plainly: This very minor edit to the game ensures that,* upon finishing loading during the process of entering a Blockland server, if you are at the time currently composing a missive to fellow members of the micro-community you are on the verge of taking a far more active role in, you need no longer worry about the risk of having it washed away by the tides of transition to gameplay, for now, your message will be preserved in its entirety, allowing you to continue your writings uninterrupted. I hope this brief explanation was sufficient to guide you to a state of higher understanding with regards to the optional alteration I make available of you today, at time of writing, so that you may better understand the ramification of choosing to download this short script you are seeing described before you. Thank you for your time and attention; I respect that in today's society, said time and attention can be quite valuable. With that, I bid you adieu, until we meet again.
*Everything before this said absolutely nothing about the mod.
Also I guess I'll paste the summary here, too, so the description actually includes a sensible description of the mod: "Keeps the chat textbox open when a server finishes loading so you don't need to retype your message."
Warning: May cause inability to see in complete darkness.
MegaCrazyDerp has the right idea. im tired of having to type something pretty long, then right when you're about to finish it finishes loading and you gotta type the whole thing again! With this that problem is no more\
Useful. Haven't tested it yet, but from you I'm sure it's going to work. I used to have this problem, retyping my message. If it was long it'd be worse.
I hate when im trying a long sentence and realize im loading datablocks so then i try and type really really fast but its too late. whats with that warning thing?