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Title: Space Metal 1
Summary: Space-themed sounds of metal stuff banging around!
Submitted By: thecableguy
Date Submitted: Sat Mar 02, 2013 5:00 pm
Description: ***Last week I managed to break into the source-files of Star Trek Voyager Elite Force. I had a treasure trove of sounds with which to port to Blockland for soundpacks. So now I bring to you the amazing sounds of the smash-hit space shooter 'Star Trek Voyager: Elite Force'! Enjoy.***

8 sounds here!


These sounds are nice for hangars and cargo bays!

File Information 
Version: v1
Filesize: 936.31 kB
Total Downloads: 247
File Rating:
Rating: 4.12 (1 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.12 (1 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.12 (1 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.12 (1 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.12 (1 ratings submitted) 1 Rating

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