*Numpad Attachment The Numpad Attachment is designed to work with the 1x2f LeetLegacy Keyboard Print, however, it also works alone. "Features" of it are: 14 Macro keys, the classic Real-Life numpad, sleep button, Caps Lock; Num Lock and Scroll Lock lights found on the Classic Real-Life keyboard, volume control, Microphone and Stereo jack ports, (orange numbers) clock, battery, signal (Isn't that on phones?) and a little red "line" which in design-view it would turn red or yellow once something happens on the computer; I.E. Someone messages you. Features same colors as keyboard and Mouse: Green, Red, Blue, Silver, Purple. *Mouse The Mouse is done out-of-style than the Numpad Attachment or the keyboard, and is way worse in looks from some points of view. Features same colors as keyboard and Numpad Attachment: Green, Red, Blue, Silver, Purple.
The on the print menu contains TEXT instead of the prints themselves.
The program used to make the prints was Paint.NET.
Sponsored by LeetLegacy: http://www.leetlegacy.co.cc
Note: Pack will be updated in the future.
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73.17 kB
Last Modified:
Tue Sep 07, 2010 7:56 pm
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