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Title: Console Admin
Summary: Admin players from the console.
Submitted By: Gravemind
Date Submitted: Wed May 15, 2013 6:22 pm
Description: Very simple addon and my first addon to ever be created and then posted. This addon is good for dedicated servers if you want to admin somebody directly by console.

admin(player); Admin the player.
sadmin(player); As you can guess, Super-Admin the player.
deadmin(player); De-admin the player.

See? Pretty simple. Nothing else.

File Information 
Version: v2 (View Changes)
Filesize: 1.02 kB
Total Downloads: 358
File Rating:
Rating: 3.94 (4 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.94 (4 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.94 (4 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.94 (4 ratings submitted)Rating: 3.94 (4 ratings submitted) 4 Ratings

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Author Message

Comments: 5
Blockland ID: 30771
 Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 2:30 am



Comments: 5
Blockland ID: 30771
 Posted: Fri Jan 03, 2014 1:27 am

Can you use it if your on the server?


Comments: 66
Blockland ID: 31852
 Posted: Fri Jun 28, 2013 9:57 pm

:3 you did update


Comments: 25
Blockland ID: 27202
 Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2013 12:20 am

Crap darnit, I missed an essential part of the script here. Let me go back over it.

I'm sorry about that, it was my first addon.

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Comments: 29
Blockland ID: 35414
 Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 11:00 pm

Woah gravemind....It's me,Rpdx!


Comments: 66
Blockland ID: 31852
 Posted: Sun Jun 02, 2013 7:45 am

It doesn't work
Please how I have to fix that
I tried to use console but It doesn't work!


Comments: 96
Blockland ID: 41072
 Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 12:11 am

Well, my problem is that it fakes admin me .-.


Comments: 25
Blockland ID: 27202
 Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 7:44 pm

Jellybean: There is no point in making it client-sided, specifically if you want to admin yourself. If you are hosting a server and you try to admin yourself, it won't work, seeing as you are already the Host (Super Admin).

XR_7: Good, you noticed that. I had only found that out after I had posted it, I was gonna wait and see if anybody else did.

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Comments: 177
Blockland ID: 10541
 Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 4:20 am

I know what they really mean of course, but it's funny.

Sad min
Dead min

lolololololol probably a pretty newbish act on my part.


Comments: 96
Blockland ID: 41072
 Posted: Wed May 29, 2013 1:33 am

Make it client
that way I can use sadmin on meself while being the host


Comments: 120
Blockland ID: 18715
 Posted: Tue May 28, 2013 5:22 pm

Nice. 5/5. But if you could, could you add Auto?

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