You know how some people connect to your server, disconnect, then keep doing that just to annoy you and the people on the server? This addon takes care of that.
Every time someone connects, it's added to a record that counts how many times someone connected in a tick (30 seconds each). If the times they have connected is equal to the "Ban at" RTB preference, they get banned for a set amount of time (also an RTB preference). Max ban time is 1440 minutes (a day), but -1 (perma) works too. You can also set if it's enabled or not.
Also, if the ban time is between a minute and a day (ex. 615 minutes), it converts that to a readable time (ex. "10 hours and 15 minutes"), and puts it in the reason.
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1.3 kB
Last Modified:
Tue Jul 02, 2013 1:44 pm
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