This mod starts you off with a set amount of bricks which is adjustable via and RTB pref and after a certain amount of time the players are given more bricks.
RTB prefs
Toggle ~ Allows you to toggle the mod on and off Display Bar ~ A toggle to show a display bar as a bottom print showing the amount of bricks the player has and the total amount of bricks the player is allowed to use. Donate ~ Allows you to toggle whether or not players are unable to donate bricks to each other Starting Brick Limit ~ Allows you to set the amount of bricks each player receives when they join Increase ~ How many bricks the players will get after a certain amount of time Time ~ The time in seconds for how long players have to wait before getting more bricks
Type /mybricks to see how many bricks you have Type /donatebricks (name) (value) to donate some of your bricks to another player
Admins can use the following commands
Type [u]/getbricks (name)[/u] to see how many bricks a player has Type /givebricks (name) (value) to give players bricks Type /removebricks (name) (value) to remove players bricks Type /setbricks (name) (value) to set a players brick limit Type /resetbricklimits to reset all player brick limits
Typing /bricklimithelp ingame will also list those commands for you.
That's everything really. If I forgot anything I will put it in later and if you would like to know anything else let me know.
NOTE: If you are changing the brick limit mid game be sure to do /resetbricklimits in order to ensure that all players receive the updated brick limit
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Last Modified:
Fri May 24, 2013 11:54 am
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You know what... This is great for membership sorts of things. Like how the BL Demo Version works. You could have non-members come on your server and have only 150 bricks, and limited members 250, normal members 400, VIP 600, Donator 1000, and so on.