Description There are hammer noobs, vehicle noobs, interrogative noobs, and finally, the chatterbox noob. Hammer noobs can be put into an event trap box with the vehicle noobs. Interrogitive noobs have to either be kicked, or you can answer their crap so they leave. But chatterbox noobs... What to do about those... A box? no. A kick? Maybe, but thats a bit cruel, and for some servers, they're the only person on your server, so you want them to stay. What about a mute?! Use say /mute (name) (time in seconds, no higher than 1000) to mute someone say /unmute (name) to unmute someone
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To port is to bring an Add-On, decal, print, map etc. modification to the game from the pre-v9 Add-On system. Before v9 Add-Ons were extracted to your Add-Ons folder. It became messy and people weren't smart enough to do this apparently so Badspot made the .zip system we use and have been using since v9.
Basically to port is to bring something from v8 or older and package it so that it works with our current version.
Finally someone comes up with this! thank you ;) really need this! 5/5 (you would think this is another thing Blockland would have built into the game)
It just blocks public speech, which gets rid of most chat from noobs. For teamchat, just put them on a different team. Im currently making a version that has RTB prefs that allow you to change what mute means, like toggle teamchat, normal chat, and even use of typing into the chat thingamajig with T.
At first glance I thought this was the same thing as the Voice Mod that was recently released, but now I see two distinctions; the slash command (for those of us that perfer to type stuff as opposed to use a GUI) and the timer. From what I understand about the Voice mod, you either have a voice or you don't; either state can only be toggled manualy, whereas this one you can shut the person up and not worry about giving them their "voice" back. -Question: does this stop the player from using all ch