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Title: Trust Manager
Summary: Manage the people you trust, without being on a server with them!
Submitted By: Flaw
Date Submitted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 2:29 pm
Description: If you temporarily gave someone trust, and you're annoyed that you can't demote them until you meet them again? Or, you want to know who you trust, and have a nice overview. Or, you could lookup someone you trust in one click!
Trust Manager, the new add-on which allows you to list everyone you trust, whois lookup users and demote them to any trust level!

File Information 
Version: v1
Filesize: 4.02 kB
Total Downloads: 1,778
File Rating:
Rating: 4.27 (15 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.27 (15 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.27 (15 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.27 (15 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.27 (15 ratings submitted) 15 Ratings

This file has been approved by our moderators.
This means it appears to be safe to use.
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Author Message

Comments: 112
Blockland ID: 5888
 Posted: Sun Aug 26, 2012 2:40 am

Idiots would use this to demote fellow idiots.

I use this to promote friends who need it on my server.


Comments: 62
Blockland ID: 30051
 Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2011 2:04 pm

Someone got my fulltrust then broke my build after I had left the server. No more trust for him.


Comments: 43
Blockland ID: 10539
 Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:54 pm

Kewl Beans.


Comments: 43
Blockland ID: 4387
 Posted: Fri Aug 12, 2011 7:44 pm

Nice, if you forget to put the person at no trust when they are done


Comments: 32
Blockland ID: 21139
 Posted: Tue Feb 22, 2011 10:01 pm

Its great.
Its handy for like, you trust someone, and you give them full, and then you find out that they've found a place that has something you built in it, and he/she goes to delete it.


Comments: 9
Blockland ID: 23400
 Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 4:13 am

I need to know that command to see it...


Comments: 3
Blockland ID: 13175
 Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 11:58 pm

There is already a very easy way to do this but I downloaded anyways, thanks.


Comments: 30
Blockland ID: 27238
 Posted: Sat Feb 05, 2011 3:24 am

Cool thanks

Profile Visit website

Comments: 46
Blockland ID: 9917
 Posted: Sun Jan 30, 2011 1:19 am

Useful! Useful!


more than I wanted when I was wishin for somethin like this :D


Comments: 166
Blockland ID: 20678
 Posted: Sat Jan 29, 2011 7:36 pm

Been wanting this.


Comments: 139
Blockland ID: 19905
 Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 8:24 pm

wow this i need!

why i need it is so i can de trust all the noobs i seen once and never again

Profile YIM

Comments: 33
Blockland ID: 8841
 Posted: Fri Jan 28, 2011 1:32 pm

This is quite nice, and handy, but I'll give it 4/5 stars. Since it could be much better ;D


Comments: 65
Blockland ID: 24163
 Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:41 pm

double post srry

i meant or


Comments: 65
Blockland ID: 24163
 Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 9:41 pm

um first what is the command? second im lost. third i need pix to understand. srry 2/5 im not understand the addon command but useful. next time if its a command and a client gui, use pix.


Comments: 7
Blockland ID: 17687
 Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 7:38 am

Seems usefull. But it's possible to go in the folders and remove or look who's got you're trust there.

Blockland (Folders) >> Config >> Client >> prefs-TrustList.txt.


Comments: 147
Blockland ID: 19533
 Posted: Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:40 am



Comments: 388
Blockland ID: 4666
 Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 8:13 pm



Comments: 120
Blockland ID: 18715
 Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 6:09 pm

@ BlackDragonIV

"Print Scrn"


Comments: 243
Blockland ID: 9944
 Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 2:08 pm

Is it really that hard to snag a screen shot? Serriously? I mean... there is a button on your keyboard that says "PRINT SCREEN" or "Prt Scr"

Profile YIM

Comments: 407
Blockland ID: 19101
 Posted: Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:25 pm

Holy crap! I was just saying a few days ago that we need this.


Comments: 81
Blockland ID: 19885
 Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 10:10 pm

You're on a roll. Keep the epix add-ons comin'.


Comments: 215
Blockland ID: 8890
 Posted: Tue Jan 25, 2011 9:48 pm


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