Grind Rails • Left+Right Rails: These are for diagonal rails. • Up+Down Rails: Self-explanatory. They go up and they go down. • Left+Right Turn Rails: These confuse people. With ordinary left and right rails, 90° turns aren't possible in reverse. These fix that. • Reversal Rails: These will reverse the player's grind direction. • Detachment Rails: These make a player detach from the rail. • Super-jump Rails: These will add velocity if the player jumps off on them. • Auto-jump Rails: Similar to detachment rails, but acts as if the player's jumping off instead.
These bricks will bounce players. They come with some events for customization as well as a feature that allows you to bump players toward a named brick.
There are standard bumpers that go straight up, as well as directional bumpers. Both come in 2x2 and 4x4 sizes. A non-evented bumper will still work, just with a power fixed by the brick datablock.
These add velocity to the player upon touching it. Like bumpers, they have an optional event feature to allow custom power settings.
Current Issues: • Players find it difficult to learn how to use grind rail bricks. This is something that I can't fix without a custom 1x1F brick that indicates its direction. • Other players appear to lag on grind rails. As far as I know, this is because your position is updated faster than other player's. If you need to see where another player is, you need to use their grind spark trail instead. • Lag will break targeted bumpers. I have tried many things to fix this, but nothing has worked. Either make sure your server isn't laggy or design your challenges/whatever to make players hit a wall when this happens. • Boosters sometimes just don't work properly. I don't know why. • I can't get the icons to work. For some reason they make the game crash when set to the correct path. Anyone that might know why, please tell me. • Exiting rails right as you attach will make you 'superjump'. I don't plan on fixing this, as it adds interesting speedrun possibilities.
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Wed Aug 07, 2013 5:08 pm
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