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Title: Double Barrel Shotgun
Summary: Sawn off double barrel shotgun
Submitted By: Kaje
Date Submitted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:35 pm
Description: A sawn-off double barrel shotgun with a large amount of wide spread, low damage projectiles. Best used at close range. Click again after you fire to reload.


File Information 
Version: v1
Filesize: 130.06 kB
Last Modified: Sat Jun 27, 2009 4:50 pm
Total Downloads: 29,561
File Rating:
Rating: 4.57 (40 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.57 (40 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.57 (40 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.57 (40 ratings submitted)Rating: 4.57 (40 ratings submitted) 40 Ratings

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Download Double Barrel Shotgun

Author Message

Comments: 128
Blockland ID: 18962
 Posted: Fri Oct 18, 2013 2:53 am

Looks like the super shotgun from Doom


Comments: 147
Blockland ID: 11464
 Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2013 1:38 am

can you add recoil force? it would be more realistic if you moved back an inch


Comments: 77
Blockland ID: 28503
 Posted: Fri Mar 22, 2013 12:56 am

@dawid20031 Lol no


Comments: 18
Blockland ID: 41121
 Posted: Mon Jan 28, 2013 11:31 am

It Looks Like ForceANature From TF2 Mod


Comments: 23
Blockland ID: 23208
 Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2012 8:05 pm

you should make it so that you shoot 2 shots then reload,only problem I have with this so 4/5


Comments: 58
Blockland ID: 32158
 Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2012 11:12 pm

Love it. 5/5


Comments: 77
Blockland ID: 21009
 Posted: Sat Dec 17, 2011 3:00 pm

Probley the best gun ive came across 100/10


Comments: 160
Blockland ID: 18737
 Posted: Tue Aug 02, 2011 9:47 pm

This goes perfect with my Tommy Gun!

OVAR 9000 Cookies 4 u


Comments: 31
Blockland ID: 15338
 Posted: Tue Jun 28, 2011 4:36 pm

i commeneted on this like two years ago and only one person commented after me hmm.......... must not be popular


Comments: 93
Blockland ID: 22435
 Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2011 1:06 am

Cowboy time!


Comments: 31
Blockland ID: 15338
 Posted: Sat Mar 19, 2011 12:15 pm



Comments: 37
Blockland ID: 22614
 Posted: Fri Dec 31, 2010 8:32 pm

good for nazi zombie servers


Comments: 8
Blockland ID: 16392
 Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:01 pm

Nice gun...but there is a glitch 2...sometimes the barrel doesnt load and then when you dont the bullets fly out...i got kick from a hostage game because of this! but still good gun! 4/5


Comments: 10
Blockland ID: 23227
 Posted: Mon Nov 29, 2010 10:19 pm

it looks like bassed off from cod5

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Comments: 8
Blockland ID: 19850
 Posted: Sun Nov 07, 2010 7:28 pm

I give it 5 stars but barrel is a little short. Still good


Comments: 81
Blockland ID: 18222
 Posted: Thu Nov 04, 2010 7:10 pm

This is......Beutiful I SHALL CALL IT DB SHOTGUN!


Comments: 45
Blockland ID: 25103
 Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 5:58 pm

THX!This thing RULE!:D


Comments: 8
Blockland ID: 10276
 Posted: Sat Oct 09, 2010 3:00 pm

Pretty awesome. 5/5


Comments: 103
Blockland ID: 19635
 Posted: Sun Oct 03, 2010 3:57 pm

HA i'm 13


Comments: 239
Blockland ID: 20434
 Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:56 pm

and im not nine andrew im twleve MAYBE your nine -_-


Comments: 239
Blockland ID: 20434
 Posted: Wed Sep 29, 2010 10:55 pm

sorry for double post, i really dont argue this much :/


Comments: 239
Blockland ID: 20434
 Posted: Tue Sep 28, 2010 12:24 am

@Andrew price, Yes a actualy have shot a double barrel shotgun it was made in italy. But anyways this is a great weapon, but its just it shouldnt shoot two at a time.


Comments: 6
Blockland ID: 6702
 Posted: Tue Aug 31, 2010 9:33 pm

This is awesome 5/5


Comments: 31
Blockland ID: 3437
 Posted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 1:29 am

its so epic


Comments: 25
Blockland ID: 8011
 Posted: Thu Aug 19, 2010 11:21 pm

Cool add-on. Recommend.


Comments: 76
Blockland ID: 15565
 Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:21 pm

Sorry, ON TOPIC :D. I really like this gun, defanitally a 5/5 for me


Comments: 76
Blockland ID: 15565
 Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 8:21 pm


You CLEARLY have never fired a double barrel shotgun, because they can either fire one chamber at a time, or both at the same time. Hence, y'know, the name "DOUBLE BARREL" christ...And it's spelled "which" not "witch" in this context. Stupid 9 year olds trying to look smart...


Comments: 89
Blockland ID: 15860
 Posted: Thu Aug 12, 2010 1:46 am



Comments: 45
Blockland ID: 16153
 Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 3:59 pm

Guys! The reason why you have to reload again is because (1) It would be too hard making a save script that remembered the bullets were in there. (2) there would be noobs deselecting it and firing it like the sniper rifle.


Comments: 456
Blockland ID: 16970
 Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2010 2:48 pm

Epic. Not much more to say :/



Comments: 95
Blockland ID: 8613
 Posted: Wed Jul 28, 2010 6:07 am

its like the super shot gun from doom2!!



Comments: 10
Blockland ID: 22251
 Posted: Fri Jul 23, 2010 6:56 am

i love this gun! 5/5


Comments: 239
Blockland ID: 20434
 Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:22 pm

sorry double post


Comments: 239
Blockland ID: 20434
 Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:21 pm

Dude you clearly dont understand the point of a DB shotgun. Because your shotgun. fires two shells at once >_>. And if you actualy shot a shotgun witch i have, dont think its that powerfull. please make these changes.


Comments: 239
Blockland ID: 20434
 Posted: Thu Jul 08, 2010 4:18 pm

you clearly dont understand the point of the double barrel shotgun, because it shoots two bullets at once, it should only shoot one bullet at once. please make it so these changes are fixed.


Comments: 29
Blockland ID: 13854
 Posted: Thu Apr 22, 2010 4:40 pm

Really like it. nice job 5/5.


Comments: 97
Blockland ID: 18948
 Posted: Tue Apr 13, 2010 2:56 pm



Comments: 220
Blockland ID: 20269
 Posted: Wed Apr 07, 2010 2:33 pm

mommy we have zombies invading again can i get out the DOUBLE BARREL SHOUTGUN?


Comments: 163
Blockland ID: 12894
 Posted: Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:26 pm

5/5, perfect zombie ass-kicking machine, right here. I use it all the time. Nice work.


Comments: 283
Blockland ID: 16895
 Posted: Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:19 am

DB Shotgun...
With all the weirdness of shooting the off at the same time =3
(P.S:Reminds me of the ranger.)


Comments: 272
Blockland ID: 17726
 Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:05 pm

Oops probably*


Comments: 272
Blockland ID: 17726
 Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:05 pm

Its porbably true


Comments: 21
Blockland ID: 12233
 Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:08 pm

Some guy told me firing a shotgun with one hand blows your arm away.


Comments: 18
Blockland ID: 8615
 Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 12:37 am


I think it's supposed to do that, it does it for me too.


Comments: 63
Blockland ID: 13374
 Posted: Wed Dec 16, 2009 2:39 am

wasn't this orginally submitted by bushido on the blockland forums?


Comments: 3
Blockland ID: 1234
 Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 2:33 pm

I have some probs
It should have double fire, Single fire modes.
When I reload so its ready to fire, switch to another weapon, go back, it reloads again.


Comments: 3
Blockland ID: 9746
 Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:40 pm

This gun is really good.


Comments: 21
Blockland ID: 5827
 Posted: Thu Nov 19, 2009 9:58 pm

was this failed by eric?
sorry for asking but I someone told me it was


Comments: 38
Blockland ID: 12130
 Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 4:04 pm

This classic was great 10/10


Comments: 17
Blockland ID: 13927
 Posted: Mon Sep 28, 2009 1:45 am

guys guys this weapon is sweet iv blown many heads off with this shotgun


Comments: 5
Blockland ID: 13972
 Posted: Wed Sep 16, 2009 8:04 pm

I <3 this gun =O


Comments: 297
Blockland ID: 6835
 Posted: Mon Sep 14, 2009 3:05 pm

Yay :D


Comments: 4
Blockland ID: 8230
 Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 9:20 pm

this looks exactly like Cod WaW's DB shotgun


Comments: 3
Blockland ID: 1540
 Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 11:22 pm

Nice Gun


Comments: 44
Blockland ID: 1649
 Posted: Thu Jul 23, 2009 10:52 pm

Someone figured out the way to have weapons like this not reload when you switch weapons. You should amend this to do the same.

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Comments: 547
Blockland ID: 13941
 Posted: Tue Jul 21, 2009 6:02 pm

Some double barrel shotguns use two hammers and you would have to pull both of them back to fire both of them.
Or you would pull the trigger twice as far to fire both of them.


Comments: 111
Blockland ID: 4543
 Posted: Mon Jul 13, 2009 12:05 pm

Dude, If i remember right Shawn-Off Shot gun is not Made by Kaje. Its The Geek's.... [If i remember right]


Comments: 95
Blockland ID: 5146
 Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:07 pm

I feel like Ash from Evil Dead. Also socko that is a stupid idea as the shotgun has one trigger.


Comments: 4
Blockland ID: 1789
 Posted: Sat Jul 04, 2009 11:19 pm

You should make it so if you fire with the left mouse button, it fires one barrel and if you press the right, it fire both at the same time :o

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Comments: 19
Blockland ID: 262
 Posted: Sat Jun 27, 2009 7:19 pm

Very nice. I personally like the original sawn-off shotgun more, but still, very nice.

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