This event allows you to send the variable of brick A to brick B without the use of named bricks.
Assuming that brick A is to the south of brick B:
OnActivate -> Self -> VCE_modVariable -> Test | set | 10 *This will set the variable test to 10 OnActivate -> Self -> VCE_relaySetVar -> North -> Test *This will send the variable test and its value north.
The variable named "Test" will be set to 10 in brick B. Or, simply, the variable that was in Brick A is now also in Brick B.
This effect does not occur unless the owner of the brick has full trust or higher. (You own the brick). So, now you can transfer variables from one brickgroup to another. This event, of course, also triggers the OnVariableUpdate input on the target brick.
Thanks to MunK for motivation and defining what stuff means to me! *Note: This requires Variable Conditional Events to be enabled in order to function.